当前位置: 首页 文章资讯 工商/财税 商务服务 公证认证 土库曼斯坦使馆招标合同双认证BEIJING


发布时间:2020-12-10 15:48:15


贸促会认证(当天出单) 贸促会认证 领事馆加签,外交部盖章,大使馆认证代理;3-5天拿正本-;CO,CI,授权书等各类文件认证


Turkmenistan consulates bidding contract double authentication is still applying for a lot of trouble? Simplify the operation process; Professional operation one - on - one solution


In international trade, "embassy certification" is one of the commercial certifications. In recent years, it has been increasingly used by some countries as a non-tariff trade barrier measure to restrict imports, because it can restrict the origin, price, guarantee and other aspects of imported goods, as well as the relatively long time and high cost of certification. For example, Kuwait, South Korea, Argentina, Turkey, Egypt and other countries stipulate that all imported goods can only be cleared through customs if the general certificate of origin/document certified by the Embassy is presented.


May be you are do Shanghai embassy certification for the first time, perhaps to in a hurry and complain that the local ccpit run - time is too long, because of the need to provide a lot of documents, the customer provide the certification materials have a lot of documents is not in conformity with the provisions, so you need to fill material, this waste a lot of precious time.


