当前位置: 首页 文章资讯 工商/财税 商务服务 公证认证 阿根廷的CO客人说要大使馆加签认证


发布时间:2020-11-24 14:53:18


Consult everybody a matter, the CO guest that goes to Argentina says to want embassy to add sign, should be the meaning that embassy attestation?


The application procedure of embassy certification is generally that the commercial documents and documents submitted by enterprises are certified by CCPIT or other notary organizations, and then certified by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally sent to the corresponding embassy in China for certification


. If it is CO, ccPIT can directly apply for printing a certificate of origin CO, or find an agent to find a copy, and then in the foreign Ministry and the Argentine embassy certification, Argentina to see the territory
