发布时间:2021-11-22 19:57:23


价格  ¥1669.00起




出单的地点是:上海 北京  广州 


The Chinese economy is performing steadily and the trend is positive

If the global liquidity inflection point appears, what kind of impact will it have on China? Experts believe that China's sound economic performance and positive trend, the moderate size of foreign debt and optimized structure, the early return of monetary policy to normal, the rise of macro leverage ratio under control, and the high cost performance of RMB assets have enhanced the confidence of China's financial sector to cope with risks and challenges.

In the face of the severe impact of COVID-19 in 2020, China is the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth and one of the few major economies to implement a normal monetary policy. At the same time, the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate has been further enhanced, giving better play to the role of an automatic stabilizer of macroeconomic and international payments.