发布时间:2021-11-22 19:46:10


价格  ¥1756.00起




出单的地点是:上海 北京  广州 

In withdrawing respect, increase demotion intensity, aggrandizement force mechanism. First, those who have entered the last five national economic development zones in their region (divided into eastern region, central region and western region) twice in three consecutive years shall be included in the candidate list of demotion. The Ministry of Commerce shall develop the recommended list of demotion according to the average score of the two evaluations.

To withdraw from the sequence of state-level economic zones after approval by The State Council; Second, within two years from the announcement of the decision to withdraw from the national economic development zone sequence, the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall not recommend the upgrading of provincial development zones in principle; Third, the development zones that have been withdrawn from the national level and have undergone the sequence of open zones apply for upgrading again after rectification, and the same requirements and procedures shall be implemented with other provincial development zones for new upgrading.